The Most Comfortable Laser Tattoo & Hair Removal in Omaha, Nebraska

Safe & Effective Tattoo Removal
- XS 1" x 1" (postage stamp sized or smaller)-$99-$149
- S 2" x 2" (business card size)-$149-$199
- M 4" x 4" (palm sized) -$199-$299
- L 6" x 6" (size of two hands) - $299-$499
- XL+ 8" x 8" (half sleeves, sleeves and more) -Custom Pricing
- Brows start at $150
People come to us with many reasons for wanting to remove a tattoo. Job opportunities, changes in relationships, life changes, and even wanting a different tattoo where the current one is. No matter the reason, we are here to help.
Our laser works on all skin types and is effective on all colors of ink, except white.
The enlighten Picosecond laser is state of the art technology and is the only laser available that fully preserves the hair follicle.
Laser Tattoo Removal Works
The two types of laser technology to remove ink are known as nanosecond and picosecond. Nanosecond lasers run at a billionth of a second, while picosecond lasers run at a trillionth of a second.
The nanosecond was the standard until recent years and works better with larger particles of ink. Nanosecond lasers were effective at lightening the tattoo but would often struggle to completely remove the tattoo as ink particles became smaller. This would often lead to a faded tattoo that was unable to be completely removed.
A few years ago, the picosecond laser was developed to completely remove particles of ink towards the end of the treatment.
Our Cutera Enlighten® laser works by combining nanoseconds with picoseconds for the quickest and safest removal possible.

Laser Hair Removal
Are you tired of spending time and money shaving or waxing and don't want to suffer through painful electrolysis treatments?
With our laser hair removal, we can remove most unwanted hair in 7–10 treatments and then an occasional touch-up every couple of years. Most clients report significant hair reduction after just 1–2 treatments.
We can quickly treat large areas of the legs and the back, as well as smaller areas, like the beard and neckline. The Lumenis uses vacuum and icing technology to make it one of the most comfortable hair removal systems on the market.

How It Works
Hair removal by laser works by damaging the hair follicle using intense wavelength-specific laser light. The laser seeks out and hits the pigment (hair color) in the follicle, thus damaging it.
Hair follicles are damaged only during one phase of the hair growth cycle; therefore, Multiple treatments are needed to remove hair in all stages. Sometimes, the follicles cycle together, meaning that a treatment hits many cells at the correct point in the cycle, resulting in great early results. However, the Lasers can also hit most cells when they are not vulnerable, giving minimal results. Usually, though, hair cells are in all phases of hair growth, resulting in reasonable and consistent hair removal.
As mentioned, the laser attacks the hair's pigment. Dark hair gets quicker results than lighter hair. Some clients with darker hair may start to see their desired results in as little as three treatments. Most clients require seven to ten visits. People with albinism or who have gone gray are not candidates for laser hair removal.
Treatment intervals vary depending on the body area. In general, visits for the face and neck is every four weeks, the torso and arms every six to eight weeks, and the lower body and legs every eight to ten weeks.
Before your first visit, make sure your skin is in a healthy condition and that you are not pregnant.
Tanned skin is not a problem, but acute sunburn must heal before any treatment.
Shave the night before or the morning of treatment.
If you have taken the prescription drug for acne, a six-month wait before laser Hair removal is required.
Depigmentation can occur with darker skin. The same wavelength that damages the follicle can seek out and remove melanin (skin pigment) from your skin. When this is a concern, A test area is done at no charge in a place not visible and then checked in four weeks before further treatment.
Note: Most people require 7–10 treatments.